Are you part of the PMA?
Yes, we have been part of the PMA for many years and follow its guidelines.
What kind of work do you specialise in?
We work in all disciplines - theatre, film, television as well as radio and commercial work.
How do I send fan mail to clients?
Please send your request in the post, together with a stamped, addressed envelope.
What do I need to consider before applying for representation?
We only represent professional actors, who have either completed training or who have experience in the profession. Anything you can send us that gives us the opportunity to see you is useful, so should be included.
How do I submit myself for representation?
The easiest way to apply to our agency is by filling in the online form in the representation section of our Contact Us page. Wherever possible, you should submit your headshot, Spotlight CV and any other additional material that will introduce us to you, including a link to any website you may have. If you wish, you can send in your headshot, CV and covering letter by post, making sure you have paid sufficient postage. An SAE should be included if you would like your hard copy to be returned to you.
Do I need a showreel to apply for representation?
No, but it is very helpful for us to consider you properly, and so do send it if you have one.
Will you attend a showcase/show that I am performing in?
If we think we can be of help, we will endeavour to come along wherever possible.